Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Jamaica - the greatest country in the world!

Guess how much the next general elections in Jamaica will cost? Well if you've been keeping up on your news, you'd know the answer to that... a mere two billion dollars.

Oh well we can afford it can't we?

After all, Jamaica does have the best education system in the world, every child leaves primary school literate; all of our students perform above average at the CXC's, A-Levels and CAPE. Every Jamaican child leaves school at 18 with a solid education and is able to be a worthy contributor to our society. And why shouldn't they? We certainly do have a reputation for having the best paid teachers in the Western Hemisphere, in fact only the oil rich nations of the Middle East pay their teachers more than we do.

And our health care system, well what's not to love about it? We have people flying into Jamaica from all over the world to be administered to by our world renowned doctors who are always on the cutting edge of medicine and work in hospitals that are admittedly the best in the world. And of course every Jamaican has access to free health care!

And people let's not even talk about our infrastructure? Have you ever in your life seen a country so clean? Have you ever seen roads this beautiful? People, let's just be honest isn't the Jamaican public transportation the best you have ever seen in the world? I mean for those of us who travel, its always a culture shock to see what passes for public transport in places like New York, those people using their trains, subways and buses and what not. Puhlease, they need to come to JA to see how a real public transportation system is run!

And crime, now I think that's really where Jamaica needs to take a bow. Wasn't it just yesterday, that some world body said that Jamaica is the safest country in the world. I mean you're more likely to be speared by a sting ray than to be mugged or shot in Jamaica.
Of course you'd expect all of this since justice is always swift and fair in Jamaica, and our police officers, well they go around the world training other cops - that's just how good they are.

And let's not even talk too much about our economy. What would you expect when nobody lives below poverty? And why should they? The Jamaican dollar and the Euro are at 1-1! Boy, that Omar was a god send. But really its because Jamaica is the perfect climate in which to do business, hence we clearly export far more than we import and when you look at those G.D.P and G.N.P figures you just have to be amazed that a country of our size is able to do so much!

But where I really think Jamaica has outdone herself is with the quality of our public officials. They are the fairest, most honest, hard-working public officials in the world! So you know what, of course we can afford 2 billion dollars for elections, heck why don't we just double the figure since Jamaica is the greatest place in the world to live, and we fixed our problems a long time ago!

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